Field network testing
EXFO’s field network testing solutions deliver unique value by automating, streamlining and sequencing your field tests and workflows—from network deployment and service turn-up to ongoing optimization.Field network testing
5G testing
Copper/DSL testing
Dispersion analysis
Ethernet testing
Fibre channel
Fiber inspection
IPTV testing
Legacy DSN/PDH testing
Light sources
Live fiber detection
Modular test platforms
Network operations, automation, data insights
Network synchronization
Optical fiber multimeter
Optical loss test kits
Power meters
RF testing
Spectral testing
Test function virtualization
Transport testing (SONET/SDH, OTN)
Variable attenuators
xPON, WiFi and speed test

5GPro Spectrum Analyzer - RF spectrum analyzer
Simple to use, accurate, built specifically for field techs. The portable 5GPro Spectrum Analyzer provides visibility into 4G/LTE and 5G RF environments with the industry’s only modular solution.

FIP-500 - Fiber inspection scope
Fastest and first inspection in the industry for single-fiber, multi-fiber and duplex connectors, with the most reliable results. Self-contained, fully automated tool for zero-button testing all day—without the need to recharge batteries or offload results.