What is 5G? An end-to-end ecosystem and a change catalyst, 5G will enable exciting use cases across consumer and enterprise verticals. Interestingly, 5G builds upon the fiber and 4G infrastructure as well as IT concepts, from network cloud/virtualization to service-based architecture.
In terms of high-level challenges—complexity, customer (experience), cost—there are major differences between 5G and 4G:
- 5G is inherently more complex, and also relies on a mix of new and existing network infrastructure/technologies/concepts
- 5G accentuates the importance of network and service quality, particularly for new industries (customers) and mission-critical IoT use cases
- 5G requires significant investment in infrastructure and in expertise (engineers, solutions) to fully benefit from this infrastructure
In summary, 5G calls for a different approach to deployment and operation, from early feature lab testing to accurate field testing to effective service assurance and monetization.
How to address 5G challenges
EXFO provides innovative solutions for the diverse challenges related to the 5G foundational blocks: from 5G-specific (e.g., 5G launch) and 4G (e.g., optimization) to new concepts (e.g., cloud transition) and fiber (e.g., 5G readiness).
These expert solutions can be customized to meet the requirements of consumer/enterprise verticals and to support different 5G network stakeholders: lab, field, engineering, NOC/SOC, customer care, marketing, or management.
By building upon years of experience with network operators and service providers, EXFO can focus on the “right” data and insights to help its customers test, monitor, assure and monetize 5G.
Our solutions address key requirements for 5G:
The 5G massive scale, complex new features, and various options (e.g., NSA/SA, spectrum, new/open RAN architectures) mandate expert test and monitoring for flawless performance.
5G test and monitoring is about reliable service introduction and optimal customer-centric operation, based on understanding how users/devices experience and benefit from 5G.
To get 5G right the first time and to minimize 5G issues, powerful diagnostic and predictive capabilities (including AI) are needed for test and monitoring pre/post-deployment.
5G test and monitoring processes cannot be successful unless engineers/solutions use automation, from fit-for-purpose workflows to network and service orchestration.
Key benefits
EXFO’s 5G solutions target all the 5G lifecycle phases (lab to live), 5G layers (0 to 7), and 5G network domains (core to user/device). By providing the right data and insights through easy-to-use expert solutions and best-practice methodologies, EXFO helps to get 5G right the first time and to better understand how users/devices experience 5G.
From lab- and field-optimized testing based on equipment-embedded expertise, to software-driven adaptive assurance of complex services, we provide intelligent 5G solutions for optimal individual/team and task efficiency. These solutions are an essential foundation for automation, which is mandatory for efficient 5G deployment and operations.
A trusted partner of service providers worldwide, EXFO offers a unique mix of intelligent test, monitoring and analytics solutions for 5G. These solutions help service providers deal with the uncertainty of introducing 5G and with the complexity of 5G foundational blocks, including fiber and virtualization/cloudification.
Service providers rely on EXFO’s solutions to proactively detect and preempt network (e.g., fiber) impairments and service degradations that would affect 5G customer (user and device) experience. EXFO helps accelerate the successful launch and monetization of 5G by targeting flawless network and service quality from day one.
EXFO’s best-in-class solutions focus on the service provider need to reduce time-to-market, optimize infrastructure investment, and maximize revenues from 5G. Moreover, to remain relevant in the light of network evolution and changing technology requirements, EXFO’s solutions are built with modular and adaptable/future-proof capabilities as much as possible.

Related products

5GPro Spectrum Analyzer - Analizador de espectro de radiofrecuencia (RF)
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740C xWDM OTDR Series
C-band DWDM and 18-wavelength CWDM tunable OTDR series for metro Ethernet, remote PHY and passive C-RAN link characterization.

Customer management - Nova analytics
Obtenga un conocimiento incomparable del comportamiento del cliente, siga la calidad de la experiencia (QoE) de clientes clave, detecte posibles pérdidas, supervice y evalúe los acuerdos de nivel de servicio corporativo (SLA).

Dashboard creator - Nova Analytics
Con Dashboard Creator, Nova Analytics le ofrece la posibilidad de realizar una extracción de datos ágil y de manera autónoma aparte de todos los datos que puede almacenar en la laguna de datos para crear sus tableros específicos y detallados.

EX1 - solución de prueba y monitoreo
Solución de prueba de plataforma abierta y escalable para validar la velocidad de ancho de banda y supervisar el rendimiento de la red

EXFO Context - topología activa en tiempo real
Context descubre, combina y transforma la información relacionada con entidades comerciales de diferentes fuentes de datos para convertirla en un modelo semántico con capacidad de búsqueda.

FIP-400B USB - sonda de inspección de fibra
La primera sonda de inspección de fibra completamente automatizada diseñada para pruebas de campo. Esta herramienta de prueba inteligente y automatizada transforma la inspección de fibra en un proceso de un paso más rápido y simplificado, que brinda resultados de pruebas precisos y consistentes, y e

FIP-400B Wireless - sonda de inspección de fibra
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FTB-1 Pro - plataforma
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FTB 5GPro - Solución de pruebas 4G y 5G completa y todo en uno
Diseñado para agilizar las operaciones en campo en el despliegue de redes inalámbricas 4G/LTE y 5G.

FTBx-88260 - módulo de pruebas multiservicio de 1G a 100G
Módulo de pruebas de 1G-100G personalizables (incluye 25G/50G) diseñado para diversos tipos de transceptores a través del Sistema de transceptor abierto (OTS) de EXFO

iOLM - asignador de enlace óptico inteligente
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Optical Explorer - el primer multímetro para fibra óptica de la industria
Comprobador de fibra óptica que verifica los enlaces y realiza el seguimiento automatizado de anomalías en segundos permitiendo a los técnicos de primera línea hacer una exploración en profundidad.

Optical Wave Expert - DWDM Channel Checker and OTDR
Now available in MaxTester and FTBx format. A handheld tester combining DWDM channel power validation with OTDR capabilities on a single port.

Nova Alerter - software de supervisión y monitoreo de red en tiempo real
Le permite detectar fallas en tiempo real al activar alarmas en función de los indicadores de calidad relacionados con el cliente y el análisis de tendencias de los indicadores de rendimiento clave (KPI).

Nova Worx - Service assurance system
Nova Worx delivers seamless service activation and 24/7 network monitoring via the management of Nova Active Agent performance probes. It controls every aspect of system operation—from the specification of SLAs to scheduling tests, configuring Nova Active Agent settings and creating reports.

Timing and synchronization - Solución de prueba 1588 PTP y SyncE
Fácil de usar, muy preciso y con el tiempo de configuración más rápido del sector. La solución de temporización y sincronización de EXFO valida la precisión de la sincronización horaria de la red 5G.
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