
No. 1




市场导向 & 客户至上


人民 & 社会


Germain Lamonde
Germain Lamonde是EXFO公司的创始人和董事会执行主席,曾担任公司首席执行官(CEO)超过30年。在他担任CEO期间,EXFO从无到有,逐渐壮大,成为全球测试、服务保障和分析市场的领军者。现在,他积极领导公司的收购战略,确定公司的成长策略、客户推广、项目选择和公司治理政策。Lamonde先生还曾是多个机构的理事会成员,包括加拿大光电子创新研究所、魁北克市经济开发公司(Québec International)、加拿大国家光学研究所(INO)和魁北克拉瓦尔大学等。Germain Lamonde曾获得蒙特利尔大学工学院(Polytechnique Montréal)工程物理学学士学位及拉瓦尔大学的光学硕士学位,并从西部大学(Western University)的Ivey行政人员工商管理课程毕业。

Philippe Morin
Philippe Morin于2017年4月被EXFO公司任命为首席执行官(CEO)。他拥有超过25年的电信行业工作经验,并于2015年11月成为EXFO公司的首席运营官(COO),领导公司的全球销售、市场开发、营销和产品战略。在加入EXFO前,Morin在Ciena担任全球销售和运营高级副总裁。在此之前,他在北电网络担任多个高级领导职务,包括城域以太网业务总裁、光网络业务副总裁和总经理。Philippe Morin曾获得魁北克市拉瓦尔大学电气工程学士学位和蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的商业(MBA)硕士学位。

Louis Adam
Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
Louis Adam is EXFO’s Chief Marketing Officer (CMO). He has over two decades of experience, including 10 years as EXFO’s Head of Marketing during which he led the digital transformation of the department and the company’s marketing strategies. As CMO, Louis is responsible for EXFO’s global marketing, including brand strategy and portfolio positioning, digital marketing and sales enablement. He also oversees business operations and strategic planning.
Louis brings deep expertise in multichannel marketing, digital marketing and business intelligence on a global scale. He also brings experience from the telecom sector, having been responsible for competitive intelligence and new services development at Fido, later acquired by Rogers, a Canadian mobile network operator.
In addition to being a regular speaker at conferences, Louis has taught marketing at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels for more than 15 years. He is an active leader in the business community, including as a business coach with Québec International and as head of the marketing group of QG100 Network, an accelerator of 100 companies collaborating to catalyze the growth of Quebec companies on a global scale. Louis has a master’s degree in marketing from Université de Sherbrooke, in Sherbrooke, Canada. He also holds a certificate in entrepreneurial marketing for product line management from the MIT Entrepreneurship Center in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Stéphane Chabot
Stéphane Chabot于1998年加入EXFO,最初担任产品线经理,后于2001年升任面向运营商市场的产品线经理。如今,作为现场业务开发副总裁,Stéphane负责最大限度地推动EXFO现场业务的增长,特别是在光纤、传输和5G测试领域。2019年至2022年,Stéphane担任测试与测量业务副总裁,负责领导光/物理、高速传输与数据通信以及制造与研发业务部门。从2006到2019年,Stéphane担任EXFO公司的光业务部门总监。在担任该职务期间,Stéphane领导由他负责的主要团队开展全球光业务并制定业务发展战略、制定并维护产品线的发展路线图及发展远景、开展并管理年度营销活动、确保产品上市计划的顺利实施、开拓新市场、关注主要市场和竞争对手的最新情况、分析产品线性能和指标、定期进行基准测试并负责整个产品线的合作/OEM/兼并等活动。Stéphane在担任光业务部门总监时成绩斐然,使该部门的年销售收入翻了一番,超过1.2亿美元,并将EXFO在便携式光解决方案市场的全球份额提高到38%。他的领导在遍及全球的许多关键应用中发挥了重要作用,如光纤到户(FTTH)。在加入EXFO前,他于1992年至1998年在加拿大空军服役,担任通信官。Stéphane Chabot曾获得加拿大皇家军事学院(Royal Military College of Canada)的空间科学学士学位,并获得魁北克市拉瓦尔大学(Université Laval)工商管理学位证书。

Suzanne Daneau
Vice President, Human Resources
Suzanne Daneau joined EXFO in October 2019 as Vice President of Human Resources. Heading a global HR team, Suzanne is responsible for developing and implementing the overarching HR strategy under the business plan for the outreach, acquisition, development and retention of talent.
With more than 25 years of experience in well-known organizations that are recognized within their communities, Suzanne has led several strategic transformations and has been involved in numerous acquisitions. She leverages strong business acumen to support senior management and she actively participates in building the organizational capacity and a culture of performance.
Recognized for her expertise in organizational development and talent management, Suzanne is keen about optimizing the role and impact of human resources.
She holds a bachelor's degree in industrial relations from the University of Montreal and is currently studying for a McGill University EMBA. A CRHA member, she is also involved in Women's Governance and the Parity Certification Committee.
Suzanne is deeply committed to the health of children and she is involved as a volunteer with Les Gouverneurs de l’Espoir, a research foundation that helps families through hardships.

Gabriel Duford
Chief Technology Officer
Gabriel Duford joined EXFO in June 2020 as Chief Technology Officer. In this role, Gabriel is responsible for EXFO’s technology vision and strategy, as well as the continuous improvement of solution development methodologies to meet the highest standards of innovation and quality.
With more than 20 years’ experience at top-tier software R&D organizations, including over a decade driving their technology and innovation strategies, Gabriel has a proven track record of developing valuable technology in diverse markets and domains. He also brings deep experience in productizing artificial intelligence (AI), making him a valuable advisor to EXFO’s customers on their AI transformation journeys. Gabriel’s accomplishments include co-founding Element AI, an artificial intelligence solutions provider, in 2016. As the company’s Senior Vice President, Platform and Technology, he oversaw all aspects of the creation of the AI platform, products and solutions, including applied research, product strategy, product management and software development. Previously, Gabriel led the software as a service (SaaS) initiative at JDA Software, a leading supply chains solutions provider, and was in charge of technology at JDA Innovation Labs. He has also held senior leadership positions at startups specialized in workforce management software and the video game industry.
Gabriel holds a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Université de Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Canada. He is also a seasoned glider and airplane pilot, flight instructor and aerobatic instructor.

Étienne Gagnon
Étienne Gagnon于2022年2月被EXFO任命为测试和测量业务高级副总裁,负责现场、制造与研发(MDR)市场的整体业务战略和运营。他是一位知名的国际商业和B2B营销专业人士,在过去的25年里,他曾在多家高增长的国际科技公司里担任销售团队管理、营销战略实施以及创新管理等领导职务。从2019年2月到2022年,Étienne在EXFO担任负责商业转型(Commercial Transformation)的副总裁。
从2017年至2019年,他在Eddyfi Technologies公司担任销售和营销高级全球副总裁,负责领导公司的全球商业活动,该公司的无损检验业务快速增长。从2015年至2017年,他在Optel Vision公司先后担任副总裁和总裁,让公司成为医药产品系列化领域无可争议的领导者。在他的领导下,公司的国际销售团队大幅提高了药品包装快速检验和系列化方面的业务与市场份额。从2003年到2015年,他在EXFO任职。在担任测试与测量及公司营销副总裁期间,他负责EXFO的有线和无线测试与测量(光、传输与数据通信、接入网、模拟器和分析仪)以及公司营销等业务。在那之前,Étienne先后在TeraXion、EXFO和庞巴迪宇航公司担任销售与创新等职务。他拥有加拿大蒙特利尔理工学院(Polytechnique Montréal)机械工程学士学位和法国布列塔尼国立高等电信学校(Télécom Bretagne)欧洲事务硕士学位。

Jean-Luc Labarre
Chief Information Officer
Jean-Luc Labarre serves as EXFO’s Chief Information Officer, leading the Information Technology and corporate security. Appointed CIO in 2020 and following a long-lasting Information technology leadership of more than 10 years, Jean-Luc is responsible for overseeing the global IT and security strategies, including risk management practice. He joined EXFO in 1997 as industrial engineer, transforming and leading the improvement of EXFO’s manufacturing activities. He joined the IT in 2001, leading the group activities and strategic projects amongst which several digitalization projects and ERP implementations worldwide.
Jean-Luc holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Université du Quebec à Trois-Rivières, and a master’s degree in business administration (MBA) from Université Laval in Quebec City.

Michael Scheppke
Michael Scheppke于2016年10月被任命为EXFO公司亚太区(APAC)销售副总裁。他负责管理直接和间接的电信销售业务及亚太区的销售战略执行情况。Michael在美国和亚洲工作期间积累了丰富的行业知识。在HP和Agilent工作数年之后,他又就职于Ixia,先后担任多个高级职务。他为公司在亚太区的网络监测业务开发并执行了市场营销战略,成功领导了多个销售团队并与渠道合作伙伴一起扩展了销售范围。Michael曾获得佛罗里达大学电机工程专业理学士学位。

Willem Jan te Niet
Willem Jan te Niet于2016年8月被任命为EMEA销售副总裁。他负责管理直接和间接的电信销售业务及欧洲、中东和非洲的销售战略执行情况。在加入EXFO前,Wim曾在多家全球领先的跨国公司担任高管,包括Citrix Systems、Equinix、Ericsson-LG和Nortel。他为EXFO带来了自己在云、网络和大数据移动分析等领域的技术专长。Wim具有20多年在有线和移动运营商管理销售团队和执行业务发展战略的经验。他曾获得格罗宁根大学颁发的工商管理专业理学硕士学位。

Mark Nixon
Senior Vice President, Adaptive Service Assurance (ASA) Division
Mark Nixon was appointed EXFO’s Senior Vice President of the Adaptive Service Assurance (ASA) division in August 2022. He leads the ASA team towards its ultimate goals: for EXFO to be the market leader for adaptive service assurance solutions and to become the trusted adviser to service providers as they strive to meet the highest customer expectations.
Mark has amassed several decades of experience as an ICT business leader with increasing levels of commercial, strategic, and operational responsibility for delivering revenue growth across the ICT sector. He started his career 40 years ago as a Radio Engineer in the British Army Royal Signals, achieving Traffic Officer status. He then embarked on a successful commercial journey, holding senior leadership roles with Nokia, O2 Telefonica, and other innovative technology companies, as well as a strategic thought leadership role with the TM Forum.
Mark holds a B.Eng. (Hons) in Telecommunications Engineering from the City of London University. His business-focused credentials include courses taken at Harvard Business School and the O2 Executive Development Program at Templeton College, Oxford University.

Germain Lamonde
Germain Lamonde是EXFO公司的创始人和董事会执行主席,曾担任公司首席执行官(CEO)超过30年。在他担任CEO期间,EXFO从无到有,逐渐壮大,成为全球测试、服务保障和分析市场的领军者。现在,他积极领导公司的收购战略,确定公司的成长策略、客户推广、项目选择和公司治理政策。Lamonde先生还曾是多个机构的理事会成员,包括加拿大光电子创新研究所、魁北克市经济开发公司(Québec International)、加拿大国家光学研究所(INO)和魁北克拉瓦尔大学等。Germain Lamonde曾获得蒙特利尔大学工学院(Polytechnique Montréal)工程物理学学士学位及拉瓦尔大学的光学硕士学位,并从西部大学(Western University)的Ivey行政人员工商管理课程毕业。

Philippe Morin
Philippe Morin于2017年4月被EXFO公司任命为首席执行官(CEO)。他拥有超过25年的电信行业工作经验,并于2015年11月成为EXFO公司的首席运营官(COO),领导公司的全球销售、市场开发、营销和产品战略。在加入EXFO前,Morin在Ciena担任全球销售和运营高级副总裁。在此之前,他在北电网络担任多个高级领导职务,包括城域以太网业务总裁、光网络业务副总裁和总经理。Philippe Morin曾获得魁北克市拉瓦尔大学电气工程学士学位和蒙特利尔麦吉尔大学的商业(MBA)硕士学位。

François Coté
François Côté于2015年1月被任命为EXFO公司董事会成员。Côté先生是多家公共、私有和非盈利公司的全职董事,通过自己在战略、并购、治理方面的专业知识和激情,促进它们的发展。在成为Emergis公司总裁和首席执行官之前,Côté先生曾在加拿大贝尔公司担任多个高级管理职务。在2008年1月Emergis被TELUS收购之后,他被任命为TELUS Quebec、TELUS Health和TELUS Ventures的总裁。在担任该职务期间,Côté先生负责拓展TELUS Quebec的业务,并及时投资于信息技术和创新的无线解决方案,从而并推动公司的的国家医疗卫生战略。他曾获得拉瓦尔大学产业关系专业学士学位。2007年,他在Ernst & Young举办的魁北克省企业重组类评选中,当选年度杰出企业家。Côté先生目前担任蒙特利尔医疗卫生信息系统成长公司Purkinje的董事会主席。他还是加拿大物流公司Groupe Morneau咨询委员会成员。

Eric Morisset
Eric Morisset was appointed to our Board of Directors in January 2025. He has more than 30 years of experience as a Senior Executive in capital markets and banking, as well as outside the financial services industry. Before joining EXFO, Eric was a member of the Executive Management Committee of TC Transcontinental from 2020 to 2023, where he was responsible for M&A strategy and partnership, as well as overseeing the company’s strategic planning process and the corporate social responsibility team. Prior to that, he served on the Executive Management Committee of Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group and in senior management positions at TD Bank Group, in addition to undertaking senior roles in global investment banking at TD Securities and CIBC World Markets.
Eric is active in several nonprofit organizations related to education and environmental stewardship. He is currently Chairman of the Board of the HEC Montréal Foundation and a member of the International Advisory Board of the Rector of the Université de Montréal. He was a founding Board Member and Governor of Finance Montreal. He was also a Governor and deeply involved in les Amis de la Montagne, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of the Mount Royal in Montreal.
Eric holds a Bachelor of Commerce from HEC Montréal and a Master of Business Administration from INSEAD, France. He is also a Chartered Accountant (CPA CA).